Through our local businesses in Germany we’re working with municipalities and communities across the entire region to deliver decentralized, sustainable and local solutions. EIS France provides intelligent energy efficiency solutions to industrial, tertiary or commercial customers. They offer tailor-made solutions for energy efficiency, decentralized production and decarbonisation. In Sweden we have large scale operations in Malmo, Orebro, Norchopping and Stockholm. We’re also developing and delivering cutting-edge new schemes like Medicon Village. In Netherlands, EIS is active via Essent Energy Infrastructure Solutions. Essent (including its predecessors) has over 90 years of experience with generating, trading, transmitting and supplying electricity. Essent has 2.3 million customers for electricity and about 2 million for gas. E.ON currently operates more than 40 decentralised district heating schemes in the UK, from operations and maintenance to full service provider. In Poland, EIS is present via 7 of our subsidiaries - Szczecińska Energetyka Cieplna, Celsium, Anco, DZT Service, E.ON edis energia, E.ON Business Solutions Polska, EPS Holding Headquartered in Brno, EIS is active in Czechia via E.ON Solutions Czechia. E.ON Power Plants Belgium is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EIS specialized in the development, implementation, financing, operation and optimization of on-site generation plants. Our generation assets produce either heat, electricity, or a combination of both through CHP (combined heat and power or cogeneration). As a multidisciplinary team based in Mechelen (Belgium), we are the first point of contact for customers in the Benelux with a steam demand above 10 t/h, waste heat flows above 10 MWth or an electrical consumption above 10 MWel.