MVM and E.ON have reached an agreement for the sale and purchase of E.ON's energy retail and customer solutions business in Romania. With its last issuance in 2024, E.ON successfully completed a Yen private placement with a volume of ¥16 billion maturing in December 2030. The ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Germany remains weak. Only the IPCEI funding decisions are providing a boost to generation capacity and investment decisions. Mercedes-Benz Vans CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) is embarking on an ambitious journey to redefine the electric vehicle (EV) landscape across the region. Teaming up with E.ON, a leading energy solutions provider, the two entities are set to introduce a B2B Charging Infrastructure partnership that spans across Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. After the third quarter of 2024 E.ON remains on track to meet its full-year targets. The company is also making good progress in ramping up its investments. In the digital campaign "Netropolis – Discover the real sights", E.ON is pursuing an unusual tourism-style approach to promote its distribution grid. More than two thirds of Germans (72 per cent) across all age groups and educational levels believe that the rising costs of promoting renewable energies are jeopardising acceptance of the energy transition. Twelve e-trucks, twelve teams, 300 kilometers under power: In cooperation with the IAA TRANSPORTATION, E.ON organized the first eTruckathon today. E.ON is equipping locations of consumer electronics market leader MediaMarktSaturn across Germany with state-of-the-art fast-charging infrastructure for electric cars. Three long-established companies on the Rhine and Ruhr officially launched a pioneering energy supply project for greater climate protection today. In the first half of 2024, E.ON performed in line with its Group full-year targets. E.ON and MAN Truck & Bus are jointly taking a decisive step forward in the expansion of the charging infrastructure for commercial vehicles in Germany and Europe. Germany's success in achieving its goal of climate neutrality by 2045 will depend on the success of the heat transition in its major urban centers. E.ON has reached another important milestone on the way to building up an extensive charging network for electric cars: Electrolyzers can relieve pressure on all levels of the electricity grid. Their placement in many different regions of Germany has benefits for the entire energy system. E.ON and Australian real estate developer Lendlease have signed an agreement to build a pioneering low-carbon energy network for more than 6,000 new homes and business properties at Silvertown in east London. Flooding and power outages have occurred in southern Germany as a result of severe storms and heavy rain. . According to estimates, up to 27,000 households in the Bayernwerk, LEW and Süwag grid areas were temporarily cut off from the power supply. Special support for the Ukrainian national team at the European Football Championship (UEFA Euro 2024): Close to 300 veterans and children of fallen soldiers are travelling from Ukraine to Germany to attend the three group stage matches of their national team. E.ON has completed the changes to its Board of Management announced in March of this year and is entering its next phase of growth. DHL Group and energy provider E.ON initiate a partnership to expand the electric charging infrastructure for heavy commercial vehicles. The Annual General Meeting of E.ON SE took place today in virtual format. The resolutions included the payment of a dividend of 53 cents per share for the 2023 financial year. E.ON starts the financial year 2024 with robust figures. In the first quarter, both the Group’s adjusted EBITDA and adjusted net income were at the prior-year level. The ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Germany is well underway − but only on paper. This is the result of the fourth H2-Bilanz published today by E.ON based on data from the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI). Today, the Essen-based energy company E.ON and its Turkish partner Sabanci inaugurated a school in the town of Hassa, located in the Hatay region in south-east Turkey. The new brand campaign “It's on us”, which E.ON developed together with the BBDO Group Germany, creates a new awareness of the energy company's claim, responsibility and comprehensive services. The East German states are in pole position for the start of the heating transition. According to a survey by the energy company E.ON, almost three-quarters of eastern German homes have been renovated or partially renovated, not least thanks to subsidies for modernizing buildings after reunification. Peel Ports Group and E.ON announce solar and wind projects at the Port of Liverpool to help the UK's 2nd largest port operator to meet its goal of net-zero emissions by 2040. Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg are leading the way in CO2-saving heating. A recent data survey by the energy company E.ON shows that the German city states have the lowest CO2 emissions per person when it comes to heating. E.ON and the global investment manager Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners are jointly investing in the construction of a large-scale battery storage project in the UK. Today, E.ON successfully issued two bond tranches with a combined volume of €1.8 billion: E.ON consistently continued its successful growth path in 2023. Both of the Group’s business areas—Energy Networks and Customer Solutions—delivered full-year results that were significantly above prior-year level. The Supervisory Board of E.ON SE has decided on Patrick Lammers' successor on the E.ON Board of Management. New Chief Operating Officer Commercial and thus responsible for the Customer Solutions division will be Marc Spieker, who has been Chief Financial Officer of the company since 2017, where he began his career in 2002. New Chief Financial Officer of E.ON SE will be Nadia Jakobi, who is currently Chairwoman of the Management Board of E.ON Energy Markets, E.ON's energy optimization and trading company. E.ON receives funding commitment of €2.3 million from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. Construction of a hydrogen filling station planned in Essen’s city harbor . The energy company E.ON has realigned its brand in line with its corporate strategy and is thus consistently pursuing the path of change. Within the framework of a new energy partnership with E.ON and RheinEnergie, by 2028, Koelnmesse will have completely switched the heating supply for its trade fair grounds in Cologne – the eighth largest trade fair site in the world – to climate-friendly technology. The positive development of the Adjusted Group EBITDA and Adjusted Net Income from the first nine months of 2023 continued in the last quarter, exceeding the forecast. E.ON, the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Future Energy Ventures (FEV) jointly foster smart innovations for the energy transition with the help of a newly established fund. The fund managed by FEV already has a volume of €110 million and a target size of €250 million. The expansion of public and private charging infrastructure continues to gather pace across Germany and Europe. This is why E.ON is investing heavily in its electromobility solutions business. E.ON CFO Marc Spieker said: “With today’s bond issuance we have set another cornerstone to cover our funding needs for 2024. The investor demand reflects the continued confidence in E.ON as a stable, investment-driven growth company. Partners Bayer, E.ON, Iqony and Westenergie conclude a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a hydrogen cluster.