E.ON and the German Institute for Federal Real Estate (BImA) are accelerating the expansion of the charging infrastructure in Germany. New joint declaration underlines the common understanding of the social partners and E.ON's claim to be the "playmaker" of the energy transition. Today, E.ON successfully issued two bond tranches with a combined volume of €1.75 billion: €850 million bond maturing in April 2033 with a coupon of 3.5%, €900 million green bond maturing in January 2040 with a coupon of 4.0% MVM and E.ON have reached an agreement for the sale and purchase of E.ON's energy retail and customer solutions business in Romania. With its last issuance in 2024, E.ON successfully completed a Yen private placement with a volume of ¥16 billion maturing in December 2030. The ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Germany remains weak. Only the IPCEI funding decisions are providing a boost to generation capacity and investment decisions. The E.ON SE press team and further contacts Latest E.ON SE press releases Here you can find all press releases